Ashikaga Scramble City Studio - Price List
Movie / TV Show / Commercial / etc. | Still Photography / Event / etc. | |
Basic Fee Per Day (9:00AM~6:00PM) | 800,000JPY(tax included 880,000JPY) | 500,000JPY(tax included 550,000JPY) |
Building / Dismantle / Deferment (9:00AM~6:00PM) | 600,000JPY(tax included 660,000JPY) | 380,000JPY(tax included 418,000JPY) |
Overtime Fee Per Hour (9:00AM~6:00PM) | 80,000JPY(tax included 88,000JPY) | 50,000JPY(tax included 55,000JPY) |
Labor Costs for Attendants Per 1 Person (9:00AM-6:00PM) | 25,000JPY(tax included 27,500JPY) | |
Overtime Fee Per Hour (9:00AM~6:00PM) | 2,500JPY(tax included 2,750JPY) |
Cancel Fee
0% : The day before one month prior to the date of use, including building and preparation.
50% : The day before one month to two weeks prior the date of use, including building and preparation.
70% : The day before two weeks to one week prior the date of use, including building and preparation.
100% : One week before the date of use, as well as the day of use, including building and preparation.